"For me, all creation is part of the same process: working on all the successive layers that surround us, from the most intimate to the most distant, to surround the body more or less closely, from clothing to furniture, places to light. Everything must be in direct connection with the body and the spirit."


Bengt Lindstrom is a Swedish painter and lithographer who in his younger years was deeply influenced by spirituality. Lindstrom is inspired by Scandinavian culture, which draws its source from legendary myths and stories. The Scandinavian tradition will thus be the crux of fruitful artistic reflection for the artist. He paints landscapes inspired by his memories of the harsh nature of northern Sweden and characters from Scandinavian or Lappish mythologies. His work is shot through with expressionism, rich with a strange and disturbing vocabulary, such as distressing figures, bent double, couched in closed, brightly colored spaces.